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English for Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding Students: Introduction to Academic English

SPZ 1.500



The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of what it means to write and speak academically and how to develop the language, writing, and presentation skills needed in your studies – e.g., when writing a term paper or preparing an oral presentation.

Main Learning Outcomes
• understanding the specifics of using English in academic contexts
• constructing stylistically appropriate academic sentences
• developing a clear focus in a writing or presentation assignment
• organizing the writing process, esp. when getting started
• planning and structuring a coherent, well-organized (written or spoken) text
• drafting proper paragraphs
• being clear, concise, and rhetorically convincing in writing and speaking publicly
• applying critical thinking skills when developing a text
• working with ideas and data from the research literature
• using PowerPoint slides and your voice effectively in academic presentations

Course Organization
Throughout the course, we will both analyze different types of texts and actively practice the use of Academic English in writing and speaking/presenting. For this, the course will alternate between lectures (with input and discussions) and tutorials (with group work and small individual projects). While the lectures address the issues listed above in a more general, interdisciplinary way and are integrating student groups from various disciplines, the tutorials will consider specific topics from the area of peace and conflict research to ensure that the guidelines and skills discussed can be applied to your course of studies. Thus, your specific re-quirements and your previous knowledge of English will be taken into consideration here.

Weitere Angaben

Ort: (Raum 69/E15): Montag, 20.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, (69/E15): Montag, 20.02.2023 - Mittwoch, 22.02.2023, Montag, 27.02.2023 - Mittwoch, 01.03.2023, Montag, 06.03.2023 - Mittwoch, 08.03.2023 11:30 - 13:00, 69/E23: Dienstag, 21.02.2023 - Mittwoch, 22.02.2023, Montag, 27.02.2023 - Mittwoch, 01.03.2023, Montag, 06.03.2023 - Mittwoch, 08.03.2023 09:30 - 11:00
Zeiten: Termine am Montag, 20.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Montag, 20.02.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Dienstag, 21.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Dienstag, 21.02.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Mittwoch, 22.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Mittwoch, 22.02.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Montag, 27.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Montag, 27.02.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Dienstag, 28.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Dienstag, 28.02.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Mittwoch, 01.03.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Mittwoch, 01.03.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Montag, 06.03.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Montag, 06.03.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Dienstag, 07.03.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Dienstag, 07.03.2023 11:30 - 13:00, Mittwoch, 08.03.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Mittwoch, 08.03.2023 11:30 - 13:00
Erster Termin: Montag, 20.02.2023 09:30 - 11:00, Ort: (Raum 69/E15)
Veranstaltungsart: Fachspezifischer Kurs (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)
ECTS-Punkte: 2 bis 4


  • Studieren PLuS > Sprachen lernen und Vielfalt gestalten
  • Studieren PLuS > Lernen und wissenschaftlich arbeiten
  • Veranstaltungen > Für die Studierenden im Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor-Studiengang > Professionalisierungsbereich / Schlüsselkompetenzen > Fächerübergreifende Schlüsselkompetenzen > Angebote zum Spracherwerb
  • Veranstaltungen > Sozialwissenschaften > Master Politikwissenschaft
  • Alte Studienbereiche > Fremdsprachenangebot > Fremdsprachen > Englisch
  • Courses in English > Cultural Studies and Social Sciences (e.g. European Studies, International Relations)
  • Courses in English > Educational and Cultural Studies
  • Courses in English > Language and Literary Studies
  • Angebot des Sprachenzentrums > Akademische Fremdsprachenlehre > Englisch