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Courses in English
WiSe 2024/25
Dabrowski, Margarete
Intercultural Competence |
Hazzaa, Mira Elham
Beermann, Kathrin
Belonging Beyond Borders: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identity, Migration and Social Responsibility |
De Juan, Alexander
1.114 |
Research Design in Conflict Studies |
Schneckener, Ulrich
1.115 |
Concepts & Theories in Conflict Studies |
Di, 14:00-16:00, 15/421
Bohlender, Matthias
1.116 |
The Modern State in History and Theory |
Do, 12:00-14:00, 15/111
De Juan, Alexander
1.117 |
Political Institutions and Peacebuilding |
Mo, 10:00-12:00, 15/421
Clément, Maéva
1.118 |
Gendering Peace |
Do, 14:00-16:00, 15/421
Saalbach, Klaus-Peter
1.122 |
Geopolitics and Geostrategy |
Lapshyna, Iryna
1.224 |
Introduction to migration and refugees studies |
Mo, 12:00-14:00, 15/105
Rees, Matthew
1.232 |
English for the Social Sciences (Pol./ES/Soz.) |
Mi, 12:00-14:00, 15/133
Adams, Ayhan
1.237 |
Introduction to empirical data analysis with Stata |
Schneckener, Ulrich
1.308 |
EU and Global Governance: EU as Regional Security Actor |
Do, 10:00-12:00, 15/318
Günaydin, Kardelen
1.312 |
The Politics of global Finance |
Mo, 16:00-20:00, 15/105
Bendiek, Annegret
1.313 |
European Cybersecurity |
Pollex, Jan
1.315 |
Sustainable Development - Governance and Politics |
Middendorf, Wilma Marie
1.401 |
Intercultural Psychology |
Di, 12:00-14:00, 52/E05
Raß, Christoph
2.225 |
Producing Migration | The Global Refugee Regime during the "Age of Extremes" |
Do, 10:00-12:00, 41/E07
Peksen, Mert
Pott, Andreas
2.10610 |
Hauptseminar/Masterseminar: Migration, solidarity and urban politics |
Mo, 14:30-16:00,
Schölling, Tamara
7.1 |
tba |
Lauterbach, Frank
SPZ 1.510 |
English for Studying at University - Focus on Language: Academic English Skills esp. for Students in Programs Taught in English |
Mi, 14:15-15:45, 41/E02
Mi, 16:15-17:45, 41/E08