


Migration Regimes and Social Conflicts on the Move (in English)




The seminar aims at examining the interrelation of migration regimes and conflicts. Migration regimes can be defined as constellations of policies, norms, discourse, knowledge and laws which are shaped by countries of origin, transit and destination as well as by the migrants and international actors. What is conceived as a “problem” or “conflict”, though, is the result of explicit and implicit negotiations and perceptions. For an undocumented migrant “the problem of illegal migration” is maybe one of not having legal access to work in another country; for the government of the country where the illegalized migrant lives, the problem is maybe one of insufficient border control. State policies and international agreements of states and organizations as well as societal discourses and public perceptions can cause, reinforce, or ease conflicts regarding migration. These conflicts are multi-sited and “on the move”. In this course we are in particular analytically interested in whether the perception of conflict is dependent on the context and perspective. Examples are conflicts between labour and capital in the case of labour migration and working conditions, conflicts around the regulation of movements for example between West Africa and the EU, gender-related ones of for example banning headscarfs in the public, or those around the involvement of transnational diasporas in homeland conflicts. The course starts with reading and discussing theoretical approaches on conflict (e.g. Simmel, Marx, Weber). Then, small student groups will analyze a case of their own choice regarding migration-related conflicts by applying the theoretical approaches of conflict and of migration regimes.

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Ort: 04/E01
Zeiten: Di. 12:00 - 14:00 (wöchentlich)
Erster Termin: Dienstag, 23.10.2018 12:00 - 14:00, Ort: 04/E01
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)


  • Veranstaltungen > Sozialwissenschaften > Master Internationale Migration und Interkulturelle Beziehungen (IMIB) > Modul 5: Migrationsregime
  • Courses in English > Cultural Studies and Social Sciences (e.g. European Studies, International Relations)
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