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Degree programs and study courses in English

Study Programs

Eight master programs at Osnabrück University are held entirely in English.

The PhD Program Cognitive Science is also purely English.


Study courses

Numerous courses are also held in English.

Wintersemester 2023/2024

Summersemester 2023

WiSe 2024/25

Dabrowski, Margarete
Intercultural Competence
De Juan, Alexander
1.114 Research Design in Conflict Studies
Schneckener, Ulrich
1.115 Concepts & Theories in Conflict Studies Di, 14:00-16:00, 15/421
Bohlender, Matthias
1.116 The Modern State in History and Theory Do, 12:00-14:00, 15/111
De Juan, Alexander
1.117 Political Institutions and Peacebuilding Mo, 10:00-12:00, 15/421
Clément, Maéva
1.118 Gendering Peace Do, 14:00-16:00, 15/421
Saalbach, Klaus-Peter
1.122 Geopolitics and Geostrategy
Lapshyna, Iryna
1.224 Introduction to migration and refugees studies Mo, 12:00-14:00, 15/105
Rees, Matthew
1.232 English for the Social Sciences (Pol./ES/Soz.) Mi, 12:00-14:00, 15/133
Adams, Ayhan
1.237 Introduction to empirical data analysis with Stata
Schneckener, Ulrich
1.308 EU and Global Governance: EU as Regional Security Actor Do, 10:00-12:00, 15/318
Günaydin, Kardelen
1.312 The Politics of global Finance Mo, 16:00-20:00, 15/105
Bendiek, Annegret
1.313 European Cybersecurity
Pollex, Jan
1.315 Sustainable Development - Governance and Politics
Middendorf, Wilma Marie
1.401 Intercultural Psychology Di, 12:00-14:00, 52/E05
Raß, Christoph
2.225 Producing Migration | The Global Refugee Regime during the "Age of Extremes" Do, 10:00-12:00, 41/E07
Peksen, Mert
Pott, Andreas
2.10610 Hauptseminar/Masterseminar: Migration, solidarity and urban politics Mo, 14:30-16:00,
Schölling, Tamara
7.1 tba
Hazzaa, Mira Elham
Beermann, Kathrin
IO 6.12 Belonging Beyond Borders: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identity, Migration and Social Responsibility
Lauterbach, Frank
SPZ 1.510 English for Studying at University - Focus on Language: Academic English Skills esp. for Students in Programs Taught in English Mi, 14:15-15:45, 41/E02
Mi, 16:15-17:45, 41/E08

Complete course catalog

Osnabrück University offers a wide range of courses in it's modular degree programs with high standards of quality. Here you can find the complete course catalog in German language.