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Bachelor and Master

Bachelor's Degrees

Bachelor’s programs, which generally take six semesters, provide students with the scientific basis required for a complex professional or academic career. Students then either leave Osnabrück University with a professional degree after six semesters or pursue postgraduate studies.

The academic title Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is awarded in the humanities, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in science, mathematics and computer science, and Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in law. Bachelor’s and Master’s programs are often multilingual.

Master’s Degrees

Students who continue their studies after completing a Bachelor’s degree embark on what is usually a four-semester Master’s program in order to obtain more in-depth knowledge in specialized areas of their chosen subject(s). Master’s programs place greater emphasis on research than at Bachelor level. As such, they are intended for students with a strong academic interest in their subject(s). In line with Bachelor’s degrees, the title Master of Arts is awarded to students in the humanities; students of science, mathematics or computer science earn the title Master of Science (M.Sc.).