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Preparing a Traineeship Abroad

Information Meetings

Details of the information meetings in the fall term 2022-23 can be found here

A traineeship abroad, just like a period of study abroad, should be prepared well ahead of time. It makes sense to start your preparations six months to a year before the traineeship starts. The more long-term planning you engage in, the more time there is to carefully select the traineeship itself. You can then tackle hurdles such as applying for a visa, clarifying insurance issues and finding accommodation at leisure. You should also plan in a few months to acquire or refresh your foreign language skills if needs be.

Intercultural Competence

Anyone seeking to live and work abroad for an extended period of time should be aware of the particular characteristics of their own and other cultures. It is imperative to have a good understanding of overseas cultures and possess intercultural competence to have a successful stay abroad. Intercultural competence often makes life considerably easier. Every country has its own traditions, values and daily routines. Knowing them or being aware of them can help you to avoid cultural pitfalls or misunderstandings.

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