

The DFG-funded Research Training Group “Ecological Regime Shifts and Systemic Risk in Coupled Social-Ecological Systems” (ECORISK) deals with the causes of ecological regime shifts and their potential consequences in social-ecological systems in an interdisciplinary approach. ECORISK aims at training a new generation of innovative scientists capable of dealing with complex sustainability challenges. It brings together perspectives from behavioral economics, ecological modeling, environmental systems science, geography, geoinformatics, political science, and sociology. ECORISK is located at Osnabrück University, which is renowned for its outstanding interdisciplinary research and embedded in a city with an excellent quality of life.

In the subproject “Data science methods for early warning of regime shifts” at the School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics, a position as 

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/d)
(Pay grade 13 TV-L, 100%)

is to be filled on a fixed-term basis until September 30, 2029, starting on October 1, 2024.

Your Duties:

  • Conception and processing of the aforementioned subproject, including:

    • Development of innovative methods for the detection of early-warning signals of ecological regime shifts from temporal and spatial data
    • Combination of process-based and data-driven models
    • Compilation and classification of the possibilities and limitations of early-warning signals

  • Publication of scientific results in international renowned journals and their presentation at international conferences
  • Support of early-career researchers, in particular (co-)supervision of doctoral, master's and bachelor's theses
  • Participation in the self-administration tasks and events of the Research Training Group


  • A relevant doctorate as well as an above-average academic degree in mathematics, computer science, computer science, environmental systems science, geoinformatics, or related fields of study
  • In-depth expertise in at least one of the three areas proved by international peer-reviewed publications:

    • Deep Learning, (Informed) Machine Learning, (Explainable) Artificial Intelligence,
    • Theory of dynamical systems (bifurcations)
    • Mechanistic modeling and simulation

  • Very good written and spoken English language skills

Additional Qualifications:

  • High sense of responsibility, reliability, personal commitment and goal-oriented and independent work as well as scientific ambition
  • Flexibility, creativity, and strong communication skills
  • Experience in the supervision of Bachelor's and Master's students
  • Experience in interdisciplinary and international collaboration

We offer: 

  • Exciting research tasks in a highly topical field
  • A highly motivated and international team as part of the Research Training Group
  • Interdisciplinary and subject-specific support
  • Demand-specific further training
  • Flexible working hours and excellent facilities

The position is available on a full-time or part-time basis.

Osnabrück University is a family-friendly university and is committed to helping working/studying parents balance their family and working lives.

Osnabrück University seeks to guarantee equality of opportunity for women and men and strives to correct any gender imbalance in its schools and departments.

If two candidates are equally qualified, preference will be given to the candidate with disability status.

Please send your application (motivation letter, CV, transcripts of academic degrees (Bachelor/Master/PhD), transcripts of records, and the contact details of potential references) by email in a single PDF to ecorisk@uni-osnabrueck.de (subject: Postdoc P1) no later than June 21, 2024.

For questions regarding this job advertisement, please also contact the subproject leaders Prof. Dr. Frank Hilker (phone +49 541 969 3441, frank.hilker@uni-osnabrueck.de) or Prof. Dr. Björn Waske (phone +49 541 969 7216 , bjoern.waske@uni-osnabrueck.de).

Further information about this subproject and the Research Training Group can be found at: www2.uni-osnabrueck.de/ecorisk.