


Academic Writing, Module 2: Developing Adequate Academic Paragraphs and Sentences in English
WiSe 2021/22
Workshop für Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fachrichtungen
Frank Lauterbach, M.A.
(Online Video Conference)
Termine am Montag, 10.01.2022, Montag, 17.01.2022, Montag, 24.01.2022, Montag, 31.01.2022, Montag, 14.02.2022, Montag, 21.02.2022, Montag, 28.02.2022, Montag, 07.03.2022 16:00 - 17:45
Erster Termin:Montag, 10.01.2022 16:00 - 17:45, Ort: (Online Video Conference)
Writing professional academic texts such as papers, dissertations, reports, proposals, etc. is vital for any researcher pursuing a Ph.D. or a scientific career. Yet, it is also a complex and often overwhelming task that requires a range of specific skills. The two writing modules deal with these skills from different perspectives and can be attended consecutively or independently. (The second module will take place in the summer semester.)

This second module focuses, on the one hand, on the construction of paragraphs as the building blocks of texts, and, on the other hand, on the stylistic qualities of academic writing in English. We will begin by analyzing how to build a well-focused paragraph before identifying forms of expression typically found in academic texts. This leads to a discussion of how to form English sentences in a way that truly "sounds" English to native-speakers. Through various analytical and practical tasks we are, thus, going to look beyond the mere application of correct grammar and the proper usage of words in order to understand the conventions of academic diction. Finally, we will move beyond individual sentences and analyze how ideas can best be connected and a good flow of text be achieved.
Doctoral candidates and postdocs
Weitere Informationen aus Stud.IP zu dieser Veranstaltung
Heimatinstitut: Sprachenzentrum
beteiligte Institute: Zentrum für Promovierende und Postdocs an der Universität Osnabrück (ZePrOs)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 9
Anzahl der Dokumente im Stud.IP-Downloadbereich: 17
Zur Veranstaltung in StudIP