


Academic Writing, Module 1: Writing and Publishing a Research Paper
WiSe 2021/22
Workshop für Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fachrichtungen
Frank Lauterbach, M.A.
(Online über den BigBlueButton-Raum)
Mo. 16:00 - 17:45 (wöchentlich) - Online
Erster Termin:Montag, 25.10.2021 16:00 - 17:45, Ort: (Online über den BigBlueButton-Raum)
Writing professional academic texts such as papers, dissertations, reports, proposals, etc. is vital for any researcher pursuing a Ph.D. or a scientific career. Yet, it is also a complex and often overwhelming task that requires a range of specific skills. The two writing modules deal with these skills from different perspectives and can be attended consecutively or independently. (The second module will take place in the summer semester.)

This first module focuses on the successful development of a research paper (or report) for publication. We will, on the one hand, analyze samples of how the different parts of a good paper need to be written in order to meet the expectations of editors and reviewers and to have a strong impact on the academic community. On the other hand, we are going to discuss and practice how to best organize the process of writing – i.e., how to actually get started, how to efficiently plan and outline the individual sections of a paper, and how to finally get your work published.
Doctoral candidates and postdocs
Weitere Informationen aus Stud.IP zu dieser Veranstaltung
Heimatinstitut: Sprachenzentrum
beteiligte Institute: Zentrum für Promovierende und Postdocs an der Universität Osnabrück (ZePrOs)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 19
Anzahl der Postings im Stud.IP-Forum: 2
Anzahl der Dokumente im Stud.IP-Downloadbereich: 21
Zur Veranstaltung in StudIP